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Warmly congratulate our company on being awarded the title of High tech Industry in Shaanxi Province

Adding New Strength to High tech Enterprises in Baoji City, Shaanxi Province

13 enterprises have been recognized by the Provincial Department of Science and Technology

Recently, the results of the first batch of high-tech enterprises in Shaanxi Province in 2009 were announced, and all 13 enterprises declared by Baoji High tech Zone were listed.

High tech enterprises refer to enterprises that continue to conduct research and development, transform technological achievements, and form core independent intellectual property rights within the "National Key Supported High tech Fields", and carry out business activities based on this. They are registered within China for more than one year. In 2008, the country introduced a new method for the recognition of high-tech enterprises, which conducted a review of recognized high-tech enterprises. According to the new recognition method, only high-tech enterprises that have passed the review by the Provincial Department of Science and Technology and newly recognized can enjoy tax preferential policies. In order to stimulate the technological innovation vitality of enterprises entering the zone and pass the recognition of high-tech enterprises as soon as possible, Baoji High tech Zone has implemented an incentive policy of "faster development, more support" for enterprises with advantageous industries, with preferential policies in project land use, financial support, tracking services, and other aspects. Implementing a key protection system for large projects, foreign-funded projects, and high-tech projects with strong driving capabilities, supporting them in expanding and strengthening industries, enhancing their independent innovation capabilities, and strengthening the ability of enterprises to become innovation entities.

In addition, the high-tech zone actively constructs a system and atmosphere conducive to enterprise technological innovation, and creates an innovation incubation base. In the area, over 100 million yuan has been invested to establish incubation bases such as the National Entrepreneurship Center, Entrepreneurship Information Port, and Science and Technology Innovation Park. Together with Qin Ming Electronics, incubation bases such as the "Pressure Sensor Experimental Center" have been established, and over 10 million yuan has been allocated to support science and technology projects. At the same time, we vigorously promote the integration of industry, academia, and research institutions, encourage enterprises in the area to engage in technical cooperation and joint research with universities and research institutes, effectively promote the construction of a technological innovation system, and build a new platform for entrepreneurial innovation for settled enterprises.

The scientific mechanism of the high-tech zone has stimulated the enthusiasm of enterprises for independent innovation. Baoji Boyuan Xinhang Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., Baoji Haiji Titanium Nickel Co., Ltd., Shaanxi Qinchuan Grande Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Baoji Synchronous Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd., Baoji Baose Special Metal Co., Ltd., Baoji Zhibang Petroleum Machinery Co., Ltd., Baoji Yidong Petroleum Machinery Factory, Baoji Ruitong Petroleum Machinery Co., Ltd., Shaanxi Baoji Special Purpose Vehicle Co., Ltd., Shaanxi Changling Electronic Technology Co., Ltd Baoji Baoye Titanium Nickel Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Baoji Yuanheng Petroleum Equipment Co., Ltd., Baoji Youtai Electronics Co., Ltd. and other enterprises have demonstrated their skills in their respective fields and achieved fruitful scientific research results. Not long ago, the high-tech zone organized these enterprises to submit applications for the recognition of high-tech enterprises, intellectual property certificates, production approvals, new product or new technology certification materials, product quality inspection reports, provincial-level or above science and technology plan approval certificates, and other relevant supporting materials to the province, and declared them as high-tech enterprises. Through expert evaluation, all 13 declared enterprises have been recognized as high-tech enterprises. (Reporter Tan Xun)