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Our company has passed the 2012 high-tech enterprise review and recognition

Recently, after expert evaluation by the Office of the Leading Group for the Recognition and Management of High tech Enterprises in Shaanxi Province, our company was recognized as a high-tech enterprise in Shaanxi Province in 2012. Baoji Yidong Petroleum Machinery Factory ranks 140th on the Shaanxi Provincial High tech Enterprise Recognition Management Network.

High tech enterprises are carriers of high-tech activities and the most important innovation element in the construction of an innovative country. It is one of the highest awards in China's scientific and technological innovation category. In 2012, our company strengthened internal management and innovated production technology, which passed the review and evaluation of high-tech enterprises in Shaanxi Province. This is not only the result of our company's continuous innovation and progress, long-term emphasis on technology investment, and efforts to improve its technological innovation ability, but also the recognition of our company's ability to continuously carry out technological innovation and transformation of technological achievements, form core independent intellectual property rights of the enterprise, and carry out business activities based on this ability by the government and society. Enjoying preferential tax policies for high-tech enterprises can enable companies to have more sufficient funds and continue to increase their investment in technology. This will play a significant role in enhancing the company's independent innovation ability, accelerating technological progress, achieving product upgrading and upgrading, and enabling enterprises to enter the fast lane of rapid development.